Monday, February 14, 2011

Venereal Disease

Well it's Valentine's Day, and love is in the air... well, maybe not. But if you live in California there's probably at least some smoke in the air. Now, Saint Valentine, in all fairness, is probably not as cool as Saint Patrick (whom, if you recall, banish'ed all the serpents from the isle of Ireland); But, neither are as cool as Saint VITUS (who I think should have a holiday too, right?). I'll spare you an essay about why Just Friends (Empty Love) is important, and only say this: there may be nothing more perfect to listen to while getting tangled in your lover than this spastic, slow tempo-ed monument (except for maybe: Huey Luis and the News, Whitney Houston, or Phil Collins); also, if you're interested, M-anslaughter-ellanie agrees with me; so she's cooler than you...

Enough divergences! Let us get down to the core of what Valentine's day is all about... The best way to put it "VD is like the things that Robert Plant says in Whole Lotta Love, every single night...", or how 'bout "VD is like the names of all the 80's Judas Preist albums(Ram it Down, Point of Entry)"... Ok, I'll admit, maybe I'm a little out of the loop, but lets take a brief, interesting look into the past, shall we?

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(This was done by my friend stopgodestroy a number of years ago, he now operates Boca De Fuma. )

I now know how to say 'gypsy' in Italian. Women can be the devil. cliche. Onion tea heals your insides!

Then again, should you really listen to what the owner of this cat has to say?


If that didn't amuse you then maybe this will...